Our church has several committees that work to support our various ministries and initiatives. Our committees are made up of volunteers who bring unique skills and perspectives to the table, and we are grateful for their hard work and dedication. The work of our committees helps us to stay organized and focused on our mission.
The Session​
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), Elders are the ordained members of the congregation who are called to serve as the congregation’s leaders. Between 6 and 9 Elders are elected by our congregation each year to serve on the Session, the congregation’s governing board. Elders are selected for their wisdom and spiritual maturity. Their responsibilities include oversight of the Board of Deacons, worship, Christian education, finances, stewardship, the care of our buildings and grounds, outreach into our community, and supporting mission programs that are local, national, and international. Some of this work is delegated by the Session to our standing Committees. The Session also forms Task Groups as may be needed for special short-term projects and programs.
Board of Deacons​
In the Presbyterian Church (USA), Deacons are the ordained members of the congregation who are responsible for caretaking. Our Deacons visit and keep in touch with our homebound members, those in care facilities, those who may be sick, and those with special needs. They provide special care and support of our other members, too. The Deacons arrange for a Coffee Hour to follow each Sunday morning worship service, as well as an annual all-church picnic, and our very special Plum Pudding event just before Christmas.

Contact Us
Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church is located in Rochester, NY. If you’re interested in learning more about us and how you can participate, donate your time to the community, or become a member, we invite you to contact us or visit us any time! We can be reached by calling our office at 585-244-8585, sending an email through our secure contact page, or stopping by during our office hours. We're located at 1200 S. Winton Road in Brighton, NY.