I’m sick this week.
Last week, my family was sick. This week, I’m sick.
It’s the flu, which is particularly easy to catch this year, even for those of us who had the foresight to get the vaccine. I’ve been tired and horizontal for most of the week and am still working from a reclined position.
On Wednesday, I decided to engage in the single most American sick-day tradition. It occurs every day around 11:00 a.m. and everyone knows that when you’re home sick, you watch the Price is Right. Started in 1972, this American institution has gone through transitions, but remains fundamentally the same. People are shown a thing and then are asked to say how much that thing costs. The crowd yells numbers and then someone (hopefully) leaves with a new car!
February 26th, the day in which I happened to be home sick, also happened to be the 10,000th episode of the Price is Right. That’s a lot of episodes of the Price is Right! That’s a lot of dining-room sets, golf clubs, exotic trips, and NeEeEeEeEw CAAAAAAARS!
Call it serendipity, providence, or coincidence, but there was something comforting to know that as I was laid out on the couch, I was participating in this ritualistic viewing habit of the sick American.
In a world where everything is moving way too fast, and way too chaotically, it’s nice to know that there’s at least some pillar of consistency that I can count on.
Rev. Jeff Fox-Kline
Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church is located at 1200 S. Winton Road, in the heart of Brighton, NY. If you're in the Rochester, NY area and would like to learn more about us, we invite you to call our office at 585-244-8585, send us an email, or visit us in person! Or, if you'd like to see all of our latest updates, visit our Facebook page! Whichever option you choose, we look forward to connecting with you!